Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The Mint Choc Chip Memories :(

And as much as I wanna see your name come across my phone screen, ask me out and you'll be all smiling listening to all my problems, I know it's not happening. Just had my first Mint Chocolate Chip without you. The last I had it with you like when? Last April? I'm tearing, big brother and dear bestest friend! :'(

I'm improving to be a better person, big brother.
If just you're here, you'll be proud seeing the person I've become.
It's all because of you.
Sorry, we didn't have much time to really fly to Honolulu, huh? :(
Anyway,  don't be sad because I think you're about to break your first promise ever to me; yeah you told me you'll be there on my wedding and be the happiest person. I think I'm gonna forgive you on this, brother. Somehow I know you're always with me. Yes, always. Because you're deep down there in my heart.

Sent by Your always little sister, Y.

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